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Parenting During The Pandemic! Insight, Advice, and Tips to stay sane during COVID19.

Updated: May 13, 2021

This can't be the new normal

Challenge # 1: Struggling with schedules

With everyone at home, typical schedules have fallen by the wayside, which has caused a number of emotions from screaming, to crying, frustration, anxiety, and depression just to name a few.

Solution: Create Structure

Where your child has distance learning or not, structure and consistency is the heartbeat of every household. The aim is to keep your children's mind and body active, yet FUN. Don't be afraid to tap into your creative side and remember to implement healthy habits especially during times of stress. Remember, you do NOT need to be perfect!


It is important to remember that even though you're together at home all day time should be set aside for yourselves....We call this QUIET STORM!!!

Solution: Balance time alone & together

Families should have time to both connect and spend alone. Great connect opportunities are meal times, games, outdoor adventures or even movie nights. It is very important to create a space to recharge.

Challenge #3 Being the Teacher & Parent on top of GRADE ANXIETY & News OVERLOAD

This is overwhelming and very stressful.

Solution: Find a Tutor, Connect with a local non-profit, stop fighting battles alone, TAKE A BREAK, Leave room for failure, Ask Questions, and take it one day at a time

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